Everyone I might continue this!
Characters: All The Same, but one new character, "NK's Love Interest"
Name: Priya( Honestly I had not idea to name her. I wanted to name her something unique, but I failed at that so I just named her after me. I give permission to everyone, especially NK's crazy lovers that whenever you are reading it, you can change her name. You can even change it to your own name.)
Appearance: Again all up to you. It can even be how you look or an actress. But sometimes I might write stuff like "Her hazel eyes" so please don't mind
Personality: She was born and also grew up in Canada. Her dad wants her to take over the family business since she is their only child. It all depends on her mood. She can take it as a joke or serious. She is very sweet, but when you mess with her, she will give you a lot of attitude. Basically she stands up for herself and others. Once you get to know her, you will see that her inner beauty is just as great as her outer beauty. She is caring and helpful. She believes in "Live Your Life" and she is just very fun to be around. Since she is Canadian, she wears western clothes but ever since she came to India, sometimes she will wear Indian Traditional Clothes. She is very into fashion. She isn't really western since she is touch with her Desi Roots. Even though she can be brave, she has small fears like thunderstorms and spiders or other types of creepy insects. She knows how to speak properly in Hindi :)
Prologue/Chapter 1
Nk walked the streets of Khushi's neighborhood in the lightened up night. Fireworks and candles surrounded him which gave him a usual happy feeling. Autos and Rickshaws passed by him in rush which he didn't notice since he was in his own little world and only time mattered to him now. He was completely ignoring the real world that an auto almost hit him. The man got out of the auto and yelled at him. Nk continued to walk and didn't even hear a single word from him. The man noticed this and cursed to himself before driving off. NK had the perfect description for his excuse in his head. It was pretty simple. That he came here to wish her a Happy New Years.NK stood still near Khushi's doorsteps and looked down at his Gucci Watch which was a bit loose on his wrist. The watch showed exactly 3 minutes until midnight. "Here I come Khushi," he thought to himself as he grinned and looked up. All of the sudden, he felt silk like material on his face which hovered in front of him. It was someone's dupatta that he felt on his skin. A girl dressed in a light blue frock suit was passing by him when she stopped and started to look around. This was exact moment when NK looked up and her dupatta hit him. "A dupatta," Nk thought with his eyes closed and a beam. He didn't mind because he felt a feeling he never felt before that tightened up into his stomach. He was pretty sure this was Khushi because he can only feel this feeling with her even though this is the first time. He had no idea he was going to do since he lost in his fantasies. The dupatta started to move to left causing the end of the dupatta to hit his left cheek. Before the girl could leave, NK quickly grabbed and pulled her dupatta. The girl trembled back and fell into his strong arms. It seemed like the perfect fit. The way his arms were around her delicate waist and her arms around his neck seemed to fit like a perfect jigsaw puzzle. She shared a deep eye lock before the girl got up on her feet.
Before NK can apologize, the girl blasted at him. " How dare you pull my dupatta!" The girl had attitude fueling up in her eyes with a pitch of anger. " Umm sorry, it was actually an accident, you see '.," he tried to explain but was cut off. " An accident? How can that be an accident! It was on purpose! Guys like you always need a reason to bother girls." She crossed her arms while NK was getting a bit angry. " I never had anyone talk to me like this. I am always chill guy, but your actually making me a bit angry." The girl looked at him with I don't care expression and responded, " First time for everything." Nk started to walk around her as he said," Funny you say that. You are right. First time for everything like getting your dupatta pulled." He faced her and smirked at her as she looked at him with anger. " Really hmmm. There is a first time for everything like teaching guys like you a lesson," she said as she started to back up. NK looked at her with a smirk as she looked at him with a fake sympathy face. "Poor baby!," she whined before leaving. NK laughed to himself before turning around to leave for Khushi's house. "Miss attitude," he mumbled to himself with a delightful voice.
He quickly ran up the stairs and was ready to knock the door. Before he did, he turned around and so did the stranger he had bumped into. They looked at each other for about 5 seconds. On the last second, everyone yelled Happy New Years and blasted fireworks into the night sky. NK didn't notice the first face saw he saw at midnight was actually hers and ignored the fact. He shook his head and knocked on the door as he ready to surprise Khushi.
Done! You know the rest! He saw bauji instead :P How was it? Should I continue. Please like and comment :)
Note: He won't fall in love with her yet. He still will like Khushi and Arnav will be jealous in this FF 
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